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Paginated Requests

See: Apple Music API: Fetching Resources by Page

The Apple Music API supports pagination for requests that return an array of objects using the limit and offset query parameters. limit sets the maximum number of objects returned in a single response, and offset determines the first object in the response. The next property, adjacent to the nested data property in the API response, indicates at least one additional page of objects is available.

Pagination Query Parameter Usage

This example is meant to explain the use of the query params, but is likely more simple than an actual app would use.

const playlistId = 'pl.9b8a976ba78741d9925e6e9a050703de';
const urlPath = `/v1/catalog/{{storefrontId}}/playlists/${playlistId}/tracks`;

// Fetch first page of results, limiting the size of the page
const { data: { data: pageOneData = [] } } = await, { limit: 10 });

// Fetch the second page, which is starting with the object in the index
// position that is after the last item in the previous page (0-based)
const { data: { data: pageTwoData = [] } } = await, { limit: 10, offset: 10 });

The next Property on Responses

On API endpoints that support pagination query parameters, the response will also contain a next property adjacent to the data property whenever there is at least one more object on the next page. The value of this property is the root-relative URL, with the offset query param already set.

const playlistId = 'pl.9b8a976ba78741d9925e6e9a050703de';
const urlPath = `/v1/catalog/{{storefrontId}}/playlists/${playlistId}/tracks`;

const { data: { next } } = await, { limit: 10 });

console.log(next); // '/v1/catalog/us/playlists/pl.9b8a976ba78741d9925e6e9a050703de/tracks?offset=10'

Example: Async Loop to Fetch All Pages and Initiate Playback

This example uses the presence of the next property on the response to fetch additional pages until we have all objects in a single array and then starts playback.

const pageSize = 25;
const playlistId = 'pl.9b8a976ba78741d9925e6e9a050703de';
const urlPath = `/v1/catalog/{{storefrontId}}/playlists/${playlistId}/tracks`;
const tracks = [];
const music = MusicKit.getInstance();

let hasNextPage = true;
while (hasNextPage) {
  const queryParameters = {
    // Page size is always consistent
    limit: pageSize,

    // The length of the list of objects
    // is also the index of the next object,
    // assuming we started with the 0th object
    offset: tracks.length,

  // Make a request for the next page
  const { data: { data: dataForPage = [], next } } = await, queryParameters);

  // Push the results to the cumulative array of objects

  // Cast the `next` property to a boolean, where `undefined`
  // becomes `false`, but any URL value would be `true`
  // When this is `false`, then the loop stops
  hasNextPage = !!next;

// Outside of the loop, `tracks` now contains results from all pages

// Initiate playback of the `tracks`
await music.setQueue({ items: tracks });